Prophet decided to attack the Banu al-Harith Musthaliq after hearing the plan an attack against the Muslims in Medina. Al-Harith had heard a lot of Quraiys defeat in the face of the Muslims. He hopes to beat the Muslims to take over power among the Arab tribes.
Messenger to send Buraidah bin Al-Hushaid to ensure the truth of the news department, and Buraidah justify, Rasulullah immediately prepare forces and attacked first. This war is known as the War Muraisi 'and occurs in the fifth month of Ramadhan year Hijrah.
This war, by permission of Allah, won by the Muslims. Al Harith fled the battlefield and Juwairiyah husband was killed. The entire population of survivors, including Juwairiyah, a prisoner of the Muslims. Upon learning he was a prisoner, Juwairiyah bid to free himself. This intelligent woman asked permission to see the Messenger to negotiate the release itself.
When allowed to meet the Prophet, he said, "Messenger of Allah, I Burrah, daughter of Al Harith. My father was the leader of my people. Now I was unfortunate to be a prisoner of war and fell into the hands of Thabit bin Qais. He was a good man, never a bad effect on me. But when I said I wanted to redeem himself, he burden me with nine pieces of gold. So I think you better ask for protection. Please, spare me! "
Prophet thought for a moment. Rasulullah saw Juwairiyah heart sank, a lady who suddenly turned into slaves. Then the Apostle asked, "Will you better than that?"
Answer Prophet then make Juwairiyah stunned, but his face beamed. Why not, other than the Prophet himself would pay the ransom, Messenger of Allah was proposed. With a smile, Juwairiyah Prophet received the proposal, then embraced Islam.
Soon, came the Al Harith. The leader of the sons of Al Musthaliq it came with camels, sheep, and other valuables in order to atone for his daughter. Arriving there, Al Harith immediately meet the Prophet and expressed its intention to redeem his daughter. Suddenly the Prophet asked rhetorically, "Where two camels that you are hiding behind the agate that?"
Al-Harith heard that question directly stunned, shook him up to look confused. Then he said, "By God, you're truly the messenger of God. No one knows this problem other than God. "
When you know what the Prophet told Juwairiyah, Al Harith became excited. Moreover, his heart had started doused faith. He then converted to Islam, and simultaneously followed by all his people.
Messenger and Juwairiyah wedding news spread rapidly among Muslims. The effect of marriage was really unexpected, namely the release of all prisoners who still has a kinship with Juwairiyah. The friends of spontaneously do so because they feel unworthy to treat relatives of the family of the Apostle Juwairiyah as prisoners or slaves. There are hundreds of people who immediately freed at once restored the previously deprived of their possessions.
Aisha commented on this: "I've never known a woman who had brought such a great blessing to his people that exceed Juwairiyah."
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Thanks for reading:Juwairiyah bint Harith, Women Bring blessing for his people
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