
Kartini, Longing on Dark Light in the Midst

-salim fillah; author of the book 'Agar Bidadari Cemburu Padamu'-

Searching the various studies on related Kartini do with spirituality and Islam, then at least we will find the four points of view;
FIRST: That the Kartini is a pure Java, which was oriented on the spiritual side of what is referred to as Javanese. "As a Javanese who lives in the neighborhood mysticism",
writes Artawijaya in his article for VOA-ilsam.com, "Kartini picture about the human relationship with God is also the same: subjects manunggaling gusti. Therefore, in her letters, Kartini wrote of God as "Father." In addition, Kartini also call God by the term "Truth", "Kindness", "Conscience", and "Light", as reflected in his letters the following:
"Our God is conscience, hell and heaven is our conscience. By doing evil, we who condemn our conscience. By doing a virtue, conscience we who give alms."(Letter to the E. Kartini C Abendanon, 15 August 1902)"Kindness and God are one." (Kartini Letter to Mrs Nellie van Kol, 20 August 1902)
Thanks for reading:Kartini, Longing on Dark Light in the Midst


Things ofside the habbit of menstrual

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There are some things that happen outside the habit of menstruation:
1. Increased or reduced during menstruation.
For example, a woman is menstruating normally for six days, but suddenlyarrived menstrual lasted until seven days or otherwise, usually menstruationfor seven days, but suddenly sacred in the first six days.
2. Forward or backward when the arrival of menstruation.
For example, a woman is menstruating normally at the end of last month's sudden menstruation coming at the beginning of the month. Or menstruating normally at the beginning of the month, then suddenly arrive at the end of menstruation coming months.
Thanks for reading:Things ofside the habbit of menstrual


Age and Periodicity of Menstruation

1 - AGE menstruation
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     7 Habits Blood Women
Menstrual age is usually between 12 to 50 years. And possible a woman is already getting your period before age 12 years, or still get your period after the age of 50 years. It all depends on conditions, environment and climate that influence it.
The 'ulama, different opinions about whether there are certain restrictionsfor the age of menstruation, in which a woman does not get your period beforeor after that age?
Ad Darimi, after mentioning the opinions on the these issues, says: "this is all, in my opinion wrong. For, who becamereference is  the presence of blood. Whatever it is, in conditions however, and at any age, blood shall be convictedas menstrual blood. And only Allah the Most Knowing. "
Thanks for reading:Age and Periodicity of Menstruation


What is Menstruation and Its Wisdom

1. What is Menstruation

According to the language, means something menstrual flow. And according to the meaning Personality 'is the blood that occurs naturally in women, not because of an cause, and at a certain time. So the blood of menstruation is normal, not caused by an illness, injury, miscarriage or birth. Therefore Menopause is a normal blood, the blood is different according to the conditions, environment and climate, resulting in significant differences on any women.
  Thanks for reading:What is Menstruation and Its Wisdom



The heart is a very important principle and deep every human being. It played a very significant role in the life all day. The Messenger expressed about the heart as follows:
'Know ye in the human body contained blood clot. If both then let the whole everything he does and if worse then evil overall behavior. Know ye that it was the heart '
Based on the above hadith that unlicensed or ugliness of human kindness comes from the heart, because heart is referring to the sensuous born. If his heart is good then let everything he does and feel happy every body approached him in the association.
Thanks for reading:GOOD BAD ROLE OF HEART


Women and men 'NEED EACH OTHER'

by Syed Abu Hassan Ali Nadawi

يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ اتَّقُوا رَبَّكُمُ الَّذِي خَلَقَكُمْ مِنْ نَفْسٍ وَاحِدَةٍ وَخَلَقَ مِنْهَا زَوْجَهَا وَبَثَّ مِنْهُمَا رِجَالًا كَثِيرًا وَنِسَاءً وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ الَّذِي تَسَاءَلُونَ بِهِ وَالْأَرْحَامَ إِنَّ اللَّهَ كَانَ عَلَيْكُمْ رَقِيبًا 4:1   
O men! Fear your Lord Who created you from a single being and out of it created its mate; and out of the two spread many men and women. *1 Fear Allah in Whose name you plead for rights, and heed the ties of kinship. Surely, Allah is ever watchful over you.  (Surah An-Nissa ': 1)
Thanks for reading:Women and men 'NEED EACH OTHER'


Between Muslimah and 'Free' Women (Part 2)

      We have share about this topic in previous post. Then we continue with the second part. Here we wrong between Muslim way of life with group such as nun (vicar women) or women who like community ideology 'feminist'.

For far (vicar woman) life is concentrated to the spiritual bridegroom Jesus and considered mundane happenings trap devil, when Muslim women to worship in addition also God, she was encouraged by what I though to enjoy the pleasures the essential and take responsibility of everyday life. She should receives love and protection of a devoted husband, joy being a mother, wearing clothes that attract and decorated themselves (in the presence of her husband and the family alone - she drip concentrated their affection and praise and flattery rather than others), seized the opportunity responsibility of maintaining the welfare society that he himself is a full member.
Thanks for reading:Between Muslimah and 'Free' Women (Part 2)


Between Muslimah and 'Free' Women (Part 1)

by Fatimah Strange

Only since recently people realize that there are two types of women. The first group is the 'free' women (Emancipated women) that we encounter every day in the West. Type which one more can be seen on broadcast television or the pages of magazines, new publications relating to events during in Iran,, Afghanistan, Syria and other Muslim countries.

For the 'free' woman case that the most important for them is to introduce them own to the public. For this purpose they were wearing beautiful clothes, wearing a jaunty tools that excite, worked as a professional that ensure in getting great income and trying effort to obtain a boy friend or a handsome and wealthy husband.
Thanks for reading:Between Muslimah and 'Free' Women (Part 1)


Women in Islam

by Ruqaiyyah Waris Maqsood
How can anyone justify Islam's treatment of women, when it imprisons Afghans under blue shuttlecock burqas and makes Pakistani girls marry strangers against their will?

How can you respect a religion that forces women into polygamous marriages, mutilates their genitals, forbids them to drive cars and subjects them to the humiliation of "instant" divorce? In fact, none of these practices are Islamic at all.

Anyone wishing to understand Islam must first separate the religion from the cultural norms and style of a society. Female genital mutilation is still practised in certain pockets of Africa and Egypt, but viewed as an inconceivable horror by the vast majority of Muslims. Forced marriages may still take place in certain Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities, but would be anathema to Muslim women from other backgrounds.

Indeed, Islam insists on the free consent of both bride and groom, so such marriages could even be deemed illegal under religious law.
Thanks for reading:Women in Islam


Factors of Degrading Woman Dignity

If we see that the dignity of women is low peaks coming from the factor. It is not the outcome or the form factor of the material as heralded by the fighters fake women's rights.

These factors
1 - Lost to remember God
Being too busy with work and outside activity or keep the kids, so do not be surprised if many women are unaware that he had been negligent of the remembrance of Allah. And while this omission is essentially the most dangerous time for themselves, where the devil will direct the passions to play a role. God's Word in the Qoran sura al-Jathiah, verse 23:

Thanks for reading:Factors of Degrading Woman Dignity


To give you a Happy With Your Husband

  1. Do not let your husband looked at in a state you do not. The best woman is a woman who always makes her husband happy.pleasing to watch
  2. Let the smile always decorate your lips every perceived by the husband.
  3. Get expanding husband's willingness to obey, the extent of your obedience to the husband, as far as was then that she felt your love for him and he will soon be heading your willingness.
  4. Choose the appropriate time to rectify mistakes husband.
  5. Be you a roomy chest, do not ever mention your husband's shortcomings to others.
Thanks for reading:To give you a Happy With Your Husband


Preventing Skin Large Pores

By: Rahmi

Got facial skin with large pores such as orange peel, it is very disturbing appearance. This situation usually experienced by those who have oily skin or due to genetic problems.

Whereas in those with dry and normal skin, rarely have this problem. If any, but in a very small percentage.

Caring porous face should be done early, because if delayed until the pores getting bigger will require special care and cost is not small.
Thanks for reading:Preventing Skin Large Pores



Women are human beings as men.
Women are part of the male and men are part of the woman, as the Qur'an states:

بَعْضُكُمْ مِنْ بَعْضٍ
(Ali Imran 195)
Humans are creatures who live among his kind is to think and work (activities). If not, then he is not human.
Verily Allah Almighty made man for their charity, even He did not create them but to test who among them the most good deeds. Therefore, women were given the task to do good as men, with a better charity to obtain a reward from Allah Almighty.


I'm beautiful Today

Do you know, I'm more beautiful today! Really, I'm more beautiful! More beautiful than yesterday, from yesterday again, and from yesterday, yesterday again. Let's see, my forehead is wrinkled by the mind and pain like few days ago. My lips are not pursed by the indignation and anger like yesterday. My face is no longer a full load like time passing. My body is no longer sluggish due to desperation and lost hope. Thanks for reading:I'm beautiful Today


Successfully Rich, Failed Happy

Maybe because it was born and raised in the village, almost every day there is a desire to see the nuances of the countryside. There was the sound of birds, there are wide spaces and wide where the eye could see free, no clean air from pollution, there are honest men and innocent, and most importantly there are human beings with lives of a very light load. My little friends in the village first, the morning went to school by walking away with no slippers, day after school just take the scythe looking grass for cows pet, rather a little afternoon nap, and sleep soundly at night. That's the life cycle with a light load. Thanks for reading:Successfully Rich, Failed Happy



"I just want to be happy," the phrase often heard when asked what became her goal. So, who do not want to be happy? If someone wants to be happy means he is not happy, then, why not be happy?

Maybe this is an answer that might appear:
"I would be happy if I succeed at it."
"I would be happy if it managed to marry him."
"How can you be happy if I lose USD 20 million?"
"How can you be happy if I had just been fired?"
Thanks for reading:Blessed


If Love Not Love

Well well well... This is the first. The first post is about L-O-V-E....
This is just a story of a friend.
Call it Clara, her name. She told me that she was missed by someone. (I was smiling when she said that was missed. Hahaha ... girl likes to spit the miss). "Just enjoy it, Clara!" I responded. "And it miss will missed. haha."
"But this one was different."
"Different? Different how?"
"I miss the people I love, but can not have. It makes it not met (how i miss him oh).
"Well... just enjoyed it .... After all, love is free."
"Well well well'!?"
Thanks for reading:If Love Not Love