
Hidden Benefits of Flower Shoes

Not only beautiful hibiscus as an ornamental garden, but also has many health benefits.
Who does not know
Chinese Hibiscus or shoe flower (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis)?
Originally the plant itself is unclear, but probably derived from East Asia, and include tropical and sub tropical plants. Tree height could reach 4 feet, erect and many branches, so suitable for use as a hedge plant. Dark green leaves, with a shiny surface and a serrated leaf edge.
The flowers have a diameter of approximately 10 cm in crown color flowers of many colors, namely red, white and orange. A specific character that belongs to this plant is the nature of polyploidy, which has more than a pair of chromosomes, while most biological beings have only a pair of chromosomes.
This situation allows the birth of crop type, completely different from the parent plant, and that's what causes the plant enthusiasts love to do experiments to generate new hybrids.
Value of hibiscus flowers and plants because the higher the hereditary long since used in various parts of the world for health purposes. Especially in the practice of Chinese medicine and Ayurveda from India.
Efficacious compounds contained in the hibiscus plant compound group include sterols, such as stigmasterol, and beta-sitosterol kampesterol. Also there are tartaric acid, citric acid and oxalic acid, flavonoids and flavonoid glycosides.

Indian, Chinese and Malay Peninsula to take advantage of this flower grower hair and scalp health care.
In addition they also believe, hibiscus flowers and leaves can help to blacken the hair. Therefore suitable for use as a substitute for mascara and eyebrow pencil.
For that purpose can be done in a way that is simple. Coarse crushed leaves and flowers, and then kneaded by adding water little by little. The result is a thick paste that can be directly used as well as shampoo and conditioner, as well as to cleanse the hair and scalp.
Because the efficacy of it, then the Indian people hibiscus mix into coconut oil which is then boiled. Subsequently the mixture was used to stimulate growth, cope with hair loss and prevent or treat dandruff, by the way is applied to the hair and scalp.
Especially for the anti-dandruff, there are recommended to wear as many as 15 flowers in a cup of coconut oil. For those who do not really like the smell of coconut oil, can be replaced other oils, like olive oil.
Because of his usefulness as a shampoo that is, the traditional Indian society using the leaf and flower shoes as a shampoo that is mild for babies. In this case, you should use a less viscous fluid.

Reproductive Health
Perhaps it is hard to believe, leaves, roots and flowers of hibiscus plants are used to treat various menstrual process. The use for this purpose not only in India, but also the people who live on another continent.
Decoction of leaves and flowers were hereditary properties known for maintaining the smoothness or regularity of menstrual cycles, excessive blood expenditure control and treat various disorders associated with the menstrual cycle. Even more astonishing, the use of hibiscus as a contraceptive.

Wound Healer
Leaves and flower shoes have antiseptic properties. Therefore it can be used to help speed up the process of wound healing. Quite simple way, by mashing the leaves and flowers that have been washed into a kind tapel and directly attached to the wound area.
Savor it was already supported by the results of scientific research that uses hibiscus flower extract to an artificial wound healing in rat experimental animals. The results were encouraging and show good prospects.
Overcome Flu
For those who want to be free from respiratory disease, try to drink boiled flowers, leaves or roots of hibiscus. Decoction was shown to overcome disordered breathing in cold conditions, such as cough, asthma and bronchitis are also disorders.
Another way is often done also for the purpose it is to inhale steam stew flowers or use it to soak .* 

Streamline the Benefits of
Flower Shoe 

For those who are experiencing problems with hair, treatments using a paste made from hibiscus flowers and leaves can be an alternative choice. Requirement is done frequently and to temporarily avoid the use of chemical hair care products.
Do not forget to increase the intake of vitamin B and minerals calcium through food, the ingredients needed for healthy hair .*

From various sources
Mangestuti Dr., Apt., MS Department Farmakognosi and Phytochemicals Faculty of Pharmacy Airlangga University
Thanks for reading:Hidden Benefits of Flower Shoes

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