4. Dwells in the mosque (i tikaf)
Forbidden for a woman who is menstruating dwells in the mosque, also forbidden even to her dwelt in the place of Eid prayer. Based on the hadith of Umm Athiyah radi 'anha that he heard Prophet shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
"" یخرج العواتق وذوات الخدور, وفيه "یعتزل الحيض المصلى
"To get out of the girls, virgins and women's menstrual ... but women who areMenstrual avoids place of prayer "(muttafaq alaih)
5. Jima '(coitus)
Forbidden for the husband to do Jima' with his wife menstruating, and forbidden for the wife to give the opportunity to her husband does that. The evidence for God's word subhaanahu wa Ta'aala:
] ویسألونك عن المحيض قل هو أذى فاعتزلوا النساء في المحيض ولا تقربوهن
[ حتى یطهرن
"They ask you about menstruation, say:" menstruation is a dirt: Thou shalt therefore keep away from women at the time of menstruation and do not approach them before they are sacred ... (Surat al-Baqara: 222)
What is meant by "" المحيض in the above verse is the time of menstruation or place of discharge of menstrual blood, which is fanny (vagina). And the words of the Prophet shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam:
"" اصنعوا آل شيء إلا النكاح
"Do whatever except marriage (ie, intercourse)" (Narrated by Muslim)
Blood 21 Female Habits
Muslims have also agreed that Jima 'in the vulva wife at the time menstruation is prohibited.
Therefore, it is not lawful for the people who believe in Allah and days later perform this action, which has been banned by the Book Allah, the Sunnah of His Messenger shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam and consensus' (agreement) Muslims. Whoever shall violate this prohibition, he is hostile to Allah and His Messenger and follow the path other than those believers.
An Nawawi in his book Al Majmu 'Syarh Al Muhadzadzab on juz 2 things, 374, says: "Imam Syafii believes that people who doing so has committed a great sin. And according to our friends and others, people who do intercourse with wifemenstruating ruling infidels.
To distribute his passion , husbands are allowed to do besides Jima' (intercourse), such as kissing, hugging and copulate on besides the vulva (vagina). But you should, do not copulate on the area between the navel and the knees except if the wife was wearing close cloth. Based on the hadith narrated by Aisha Radhiyallau 'anha:
"" آان النبي صلى االله عليه وسلم یأمرني فأتزر فيباشرني وأنا حائض
"Once the Prophet shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam then told me to wear clothmenggauliku he was I in a state of menstruation "(hadith muttafaq alaih)
6. Divorce
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Forbidden for a husband and wife who is menstruating divorce, based on the word of God subhaanahu wa Ta'aala:
[] یا أیها النبي إذا طلقتم النساء فطلقوهن لعدتهن
"O Prophet, what if you divorce then let you divorce them when they can (face) iddahnya (reasonable)"
That is, the wives were in a state can face divorced iddah clear. Means they are not divorced except in cases of pregnancy or scriptures before the gauli. For if a wife in a state divorced menstrual he can not face iddahnya because menstruation is being experienced divorce at the time of the fall was not counted include iddah. Whereas if divorced in pure state after clocked, it means faces iddah unclear because they could not know whether she was pregnant because clocked it does not get pregnant, if she is pregnant, then her iddah with pregnancy, and if not pregnant then her iddah with menstruation. Since not certain types of iddahnya, it is forbidden for her husband divorces his wife so clearly the problem is. So divorce wife who is menstruating is unlawful. Based on above verses and hadith of Ibn Umar narrated in saheeh al Bukhari and Muslim and other hadith books, that he had been divorced his wife in a state of menstruation, then Umar (his father) complained that to the Prophet shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam, then angry and prophet said : "مره فليراجعها ثم ليمسكها حتى تطهر ثم تحيض ثم تطهر ثم إن شاء أمسك بعد
" وإن شاء طلق قبل أن یمس, فتلك العدة التي أمر االله أن تطلق لها النساء
"Let him refer to his wife and then defend it until she is sacred, then menstruation, and pure again, after that, if he wants to, can maintain or divorce before clocked, because that God commanded iddah in divorce wife "
Thus, it's sin if a husband divorce his wife who is menstruating. He must repent to Allah wa subhaanahu Ta'aala and refer her for later divorce in syar'i according to the commands of Allah and His Apostle Ta'aala subhaanahu wa. Namely, after referring to his wife let him leave until the sacred of menstruationthey experienced when divorce, then menstruation again, after that if he want to keep it or divorce before clocked.
In the case of Prohibition divorce wife who is menstruating, there are threeproblems are excluded:
1. If divorce occurs before the gathering with his wife or before copulate (in a state of newlyweds for example) it may divorce in a state of menstruation. For in such cases, the wife does not iddah affected. So the divorce does not violate the word of God subhaanahu wa Ta'aala:
[] فطلقوهن لعدتهن
"... And be ye divorce them when they can (face) iddahnya (reasonable). (Surah Ath THALAQ: 1)
2. If menstruation occurs in a state of pregnancy, as has been explained why the article first.
3. If the divorce is on the basis iwadh (replacement) then allowed for a husband to divorce his wife in a state of menstruation.
For example there is no discord and relationships more harmonious between husband and wife. Then the wife asks her husband for mentalaknya and husband and therefore compensate for it, and it, even if the wife in state of menstruation, based on the hadith of Ibn Abbas Radhiya llahu anhu:
: "أن امراة ثابت بن قيس بن شماس جاءت إلى النبي صلى االله عليه وسلم فقالت یا رسول االله إني ما أعتب عليه في خلق ولا دین, ولكن أآره الكفر في الإسلام, فقال النبي صلى االله عليه وسلم: أتردین عليه حدیقته? قالت: نعم. فقال رسول االله صلى االله
. عليه وسلم: اقبل الحدیقة وطلقها تطليقة "رواه البخاري
"That the wife of Thabit bin Qais bin syammas came to the Prophet shollallohu 'Alaihi wa sallam and said: "O Messenger of shollallohu' alaihi wa sallam, I really do not censure him in morals or religion, but I'm afraidwill disbelief in Islam "Prophet shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam asked:" Will you return his garden to him? The woman replied: "Yes, Shollallohu Rasulullah 'alaihi wa sallam said: (to husband): "Receive garden, and he divorce (Narrated by Al Bukhari).
In the hadeeth, the Prophet shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam did not ask whether the wife is menstruating or sacred. And since divorce is paid by the party wife with a ransom on him then permissible in a state anywhere, if necessary.
In the book Al Mughni mentioned about the reason for permissibility khulu '(Divorce at the request of his wife with ransom) in a state of menstruation:"Prohibition of divorce in a state of menstruation is the madharat (danger)for the wife to wait iddah length. Medium khulu 'is to eliminate madharat (danger) for the wife due relationship is not harmonious and can not stand living with husband who hated and not his favorite. It is certainly larger madharatnya for their wife wants to have intercourse than to wait long time, then allowed to avoid greater madharat undergo its harm something lighter. Hence the Prophet shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam did not ask the woman who asked khulu 'aboutcircumstances.
And allowed perform the ceremony with a woman who was menstruation, because it is basically kosher. And there is no proof that forbid it, but to consider that the husband does not allowed to assemble with the wife who was in a state of menstruation. If it is not feared to intercourse with the wife who is menstruating do not mind what. Conversely, if the concern is not allowed to gather with him before the saint to avoid things that are prohibited.
7. Iddah divorce is calculated by menstruation.
If a husband divorces his wife who has been clocked or gathered with it, then the wife should iddah for three times in the menstrual perfect if it included women who are still having periods and not pregnant, it is based on the word of God subhaanahu wa Ta'aala:
[] والمطلقات یتربصن بأنفسهن ثلاثة قروء
"The women who divorced should refrain (waiting) three times quru '(Surat al-Baqara: 228)
Three times quru 'means three times of menstruation. But if the wife in a statethen iddahnya is pregnant until delivery, whether it is a long period iddahnyaand a second. Based on the word of God subhaanahu wa Ta'aala:
[] وأولات الأحمال أجلهن أن یضعن حملهن
"... And the women who are pregnant, it is time they iddah until they gave birth abortion .. "(Surah Ath Thalq: 4)
If the wife, including women who are not menstruating, because it is still small and not having periods, or menopausal, or because it never surgery on her uterus, or other causes so as not to be expected menstruation to return, then iddahnya is three months, as word of Allah wa subhaanahu Ta'aala:
] واللائي یئسن من المحيض من نسائكم إن ارتبتم فعدتهن ثلاثة أشهر
[ واللائي لم یحضن
"And the women who despair of menstruation among your wives if you are in doubt (about the iddahnya) then they are iddah for three months, and so (also) the women who are not menstruating ... (Surah Ath THALAQ:4).
If the wife, including women who are still having periods, but stopped menstrual because of an obvious cause such as illness or nursing, so he remain in iddahnya iddahnya even longer period until he returns found menstruation and menstrual beriddah with it. But if the cause had been does not exist, as has been ill or have completed the nursing while menstrual did not come, then iddahnya one full year period starting from the absence of these causes. This opinionsaheeh according to the rules of Syar'iyah. With reason, if because it is not there while menstruation did not come then the woman The ruling like a woman who stopped because of the menstrual not clear; then iddahnya ie one full year with the calculation, nine months as a caution to the possibility of pregnancy (due topregnancy in general, 9 months) and three-month period iddahnya.
As if divorce occurs after the ceremony was the husband has not interfere and intercourse with his wife, then in this case there is no iddahnya at all, either in a state of menstruation or the other. Based on the Word Allah wa subhaanahu Ta'aala:] یاأیها الذین آمنوا إذا نكحتم المؤمنات ثم طلقتموهن من قبل أن تمسوهن فما لكم
[ عليهن من عدة تعتدونها
"O ye who believe, if you marry these women who believe, then you divorce them before ye interfere it is never mandatory for you ask them perfecting her iddah.. "(Surah Al Ahzaab: 49).
8. Free decision of the uterus.
Namely that the uterus free from the womb. This is necessary, as long as free decision uterus is considered necessary, because it relates to some problems. Among other things, when someone dies and leaves woman (wife) that abortion can become heirs of the person, when the woman afterwards married again. So the new husband copulate his wife not clear before he menstruation or pregnancy. If you have clear her pregnancy, then we hukumi that the fetusobtain the right to inheritance because we decided the fetus is at when his father died. But if she ever period (after the death of her first husband), then we hukumi that the fetus they contain do not get the right to inheritance, because we decided that woman's uterus is free of the pregnancy in the presence of menstruation.
10. Liabilities bath
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Women who are menstruating again, if it had been obliged to take a bath with a clean sacred whole body, based on the words of the Prophet shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam to Fatima bint Abu Hubaisy:
"" إذا أقبلت الحيضة فدعي الصلاة, وإذا أدبرت فاغتسلي وصلي
"If you leave the arrival of menstruation then pray, and when it is sacred Take a bath and doing prayers (Narrated by Al Bukhari)
Minimum obligations in the bath is to wash all members body with water until the skin under the hair. More main, is as mentioned in the hadith the prophet shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam when asked by Asma bint bath syahl about menstruation, she said: "تأخذ إحداآن ماءها وسدرها فتطهر فتحسن الطهور, ثم تصب على رأسها فتدلكه دلكا شدیدا, حتى تبلغ شؤون رأسها, ثم تصب عليها الماء, ثم تأخذ فرصة ممسكة - أي قطعة قماش فيها مسك - فتطهر بها, فقالت أسماء: آيف تطهر بها? فقال: سبحان
" االله, فقالت عائشة لها: تتبعين أثر الدم
"Let anyone among you take water and then leaves lote berwudlu perfectly, then flushed water to the top of the head and rubs firmly so evenly throughout the head,The next flushed water on his limbs, after that, taking there is a piece of cloth with fragrances for purification. Asma 'said: "how purification with him? The Prophet replied: "Subhanallah". So Aishaexplained by saying: "Follow the traces of blood." (Hadith narratedMuslim)
Not obliged to remove hair whorl, except when bound strongly andfeared the water does not reach the bottom of the hair. This is based onmentioned in the saheeh hadeeth of Umm Salamah Muslim radi'Anha that he asked the Prophet shollallohu' alaihi wa sallam: "إني امرأة أشد شعر رأسي أفأنقضه لغسل الجنابة? وفي روایة: للحيضة والجنابة? فقال:) لا إنما یكفيك أن تحثي على رأسك ثلاث حثيات ثم تفيضين عليك
. ( الماء فتطهرین
"I am a woman who bight my hair, should I take it offto bathe junub? according to another report: for the (bath), menstruation and junub? Prophet said: "No, you just flush your head being washed three times (with your hands) Then you flushed water to the entire body, then you also become pure. "
What if the woman who is menstruating experiencing the sacred in the midst oftime to pray, then he must immediately take a bath for to get a prayerin time. If she is on her way and no water, or there water but fear itself if using water, or in ill and dangerous to her if using water, then he should tayamum instead of the bath until it is preventedno longer exists, then a shower.
There among the holy women in the middle of prayer time but delaying bathing at other times, she argued: "it is impossible to bath perfectly at this current time. " but this will not excuse or hindrance, because allowed her a bath just tomeet the mandatory and perform prayers on time. Ifthen there is a chance the field, then she can shower withperfect.
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