
7 'Slimming' Drinks

Many people do not realize how many calories they consume through glass. Here's a drink that helps your body stay slim and keep health lifestyle:

Vegetable juice

Same nutritional fruit juice, but the calories in half. Vegetable fiber to function as a fat blocker (substances that block the formation of fat).

Fruit smoothies
Mix with skim milk, no sugar or other sweeteners. Fruits rich in vitamin B complex, can process the fat into energy.

Fruit juice without sugar
Contain nutrients and vitamins that are high. Better to drink with fiber.

Black coffee
Help release the fat and make energy. But limit their consumption, no more than 4 cups a day.

Green tea
Has many health benefits, and can increase fat burning mechanism up to 40%.


Calcium in skim milk helps to block genes that make fat. Stomach feel full so you eat less.

Water ice
Drink plenty of water can be slimming, fat burning takes place in liquid media. Encourage water metabolism and zero calories.
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