
When Flame Love began to fade

Marriage is basically intended to complement each other in many ways and lack of complementarity with each other like a lock and child lock. By marrying we can share love.
So, just how scary when the word 'better divorce', began to color the life of marriage. And not few of couples who chose to divorce when their marriages are already being felt not happy anymore. "Basically I regret very much if that happened,
because the effect of divorce is very complex. Divorce is still possible if one partner is suffering from mental disorders such as schizofrenia lay people often call it crazy, "said Efnie Indrianie, M. Psi, a psychologist. Divorce is often considered a practical solution to marital problems, but if done, would leave more problems. "Some say rather than given the feeling of falling in love, better given the strength to keep love. Keep the love, when she dims need to be nurtured to keep lit. If this run would not be divorced, "said Efnie again.
Trigger Divorce Some of the factors that trigger divorce, among others:

* Loyalty and trust
* Economic problems
* Unrealistic expectations
* Power in marriage
* Conflict of roles
* Sex
* Marriage is not based on love
Thanks for reading:When Flame Love began to fade

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