
Beautiful and Healthy by 'Chinese Medicine'

In the midst of modern life that this sophisticated, there is one who never eroded the traditional medicine and natural. Although the treatment is so developed, but some people still loyal to the natural way.In this edition of the magazine d'essence as a whole to discuss the Chinese Medicine. China is a country that is known for its traditional medicine such as acupuncture and herbs. But not only China, India and Indonesia is also a country known for its traditional medicine such as treatment by relying on herbs and massage.
Ancient Chinese MedicineTraditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)So many ancient Chinese way of treatment, among them are acupuncture and acupressure, which is part of the way the Chinese traditional medicine or Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) which is very different from the way modern medicine (Western). The philosophy and culture, this treatment has been entrenched for thousands of years. Therapy in the form of a merger between the art of massage, nutrition science, and botany.The physicians of ancient China, always study the relationship with human nature. Then apply the results through the balance of hot and cold or yin and yang. The word play, heat, fever, dry, and moist - a natural language is also applied to the condition of the human body. For example, a sore throat is not considered as one because of a virus infection, but result from exposure to heat or cold.

What is Qi?One of the main concepts of TCM is "Qi" (pronounced Chee), which means it is energy. Disease will occur, when Qi someone in the unbalanced condition. So TCM maintain a balance of Qi through some things, that is when too much Qi will be deducted, if less will be increased, and the Qi will always be distributed evenly. Consideration:First, energy is a heritage-related quality of sperm and ovum (egg) parent. Qi is largely to act as a catalyst in the body. As the combustion system in a car. If Qi is too much, it will cause death.Second, Qi is the raw energy found in food, water, air that is consumed every day. Then the raw material is converted into energy that will maintain the body's organs, blood production, and keep the body from disease attack.If a sufficient amount of Qi and good quality, then the body will be healthy. Qi is like a bank. If Qi is owned not enough, through drug therapies, Qi can be obtained from the legacy of parents who stored in our body. That's why Chinese people are very concerned about the quality of food to nourish the body. Such theoretical considerations eventually be accepted as logical and comprehensive manner through traditional medication taken. Thanks for reading:Beautiful and Healthy by 'Chinese Medicine'

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