
Danger Immunization & Jewish Conspiracy

This article was taken from the writings of Alexander Tio describing a conspiracy in the immunization program that encouraged the government. Hopefully answer all the friends all want knowledge, although it only partially. There are many books that could be a reference. Please add to knowledge by reading books about the dangers of immunization. If we trace the history of modern vaccines are made by Flexner Brothers, we may find that their activities in research on vaccination in humans is funded by the Rockefeller family. Rockefeller himself was one of the most influential Jewish families in the world, and they were part of International Zionism.
And in fact, they are the founders of WHO and other strategic institutions:
The UN's World Health Organization was established by the Rockefeller family's foundation in 1948 - the year after the same cohort Rockefeller established the CIA. Two years later the Rockefeller Foundation established the U.S. Government's National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and Earlier, the nation's Public Health Service (PHS).~ Dr. Leonard Horowitz in "WHO Issues H1N1 Swine Flu Propaganda"
Well yes terrific mastery of them at strategic institutions. : Shock:
Judging from the background of the WHO, it is clear that the modern vaccination (or immunization we call it) is one of the intervention (Read: conspiracy) Zionism in order to dominate and enslave the entire world in the "New World Order" them.
What word Scientists About Vaccinations?
"The only safe vaccine is a vaccine that is never used."~ Dr. James R. Shannon, former director of the U.S. National Health Institute
"Vaccines trick the body so that no longer cause an inflammatory reaction. So that vaccines alter the function of the immune system of prevention. "~ Dr. Richard Moskowitz, Harvard University
"Cancer is essentially unknown before the obligation of smallpox vaccination was introduced. I had faced 200 cases of cancer, and none of those affected by cancer do not get vaccinated before. "
~ Dr. W.B. Clarke, British cancer researcher
"When the vaccine is declared safe, safety is a relative term that can not be interpreted in general".~ Dr. Harris Coulter, an expert on international vaccine
"Cases of polio increased rapidly since the vaccine is run. In the year 1957-1958 increased by 50%, and the year 1958-1959 increased to 80%. "~ Dr. Bernard Greenberg, in a U.S. congressional hearing in 1962
"Before the first mass vaccination 50 years ago, in that country (America) there is no epidemic of cancer, autoimmune diseases, and cases of autism."~ Neil Z. Miller, an international vaccine researchers
"Vaccines are responsible for the increase in the number of children and adults with impaired immune systems and conditions, hyperactivity, weakness of memory, asthma, chronic fatigue syndrome, lupus, arthritis reumatiod, multiple sclerosis, and even epilepsy. Even AIDS who have never known two decades ago, a plague throughout the world today. "~ Barbara Loe Fisher, president of the American National Vaccine Information Center
"It makes sense to think that you can inject pus into the body of a child and with a particular process will improve health. The body has its own way of defense that depends on the vitality of the time. If in a fit condition, the body will be able to fight all infections, and if the conditions are declining, will not be able to. And you can not change in shape for the better with poisons enter anything into it. "~ Dr. William Hay, the book "Immunisation: The Reality behind the Myth"
And many more opinions that other scientists.And it turns out in fact in Germany the medical practitioners, doctors began to nurse, denied the measles immunization. Rejection was published in "Journal of the American Medical Association" (February 20, 1981) which contains an article entitled "Rubella Vaccine in Suspectible Hospital Employees, Poor Physician Participation." In the article mentioned that the lowest number of participants in the immunization against measles occurred among medical practitioners in Germany. This occurred in obstetric experts, and the lowest levels occur in other pediatric experts. Approximately 90% of expert obstetric and pediatric declined 66% interspace rubella vaccine injections.
Then why can it happen? What is the secret behind vaccines and immunizations?
According to my research on immunizations that I've done since few years ago. I tried to relate it to the method of genetic science in Islam that has little I understand.
The vaccine has been produced and sent to various places in this hemisphere (especially the Muslim countries, third world countries, and developing countries), is a project to disrupt the nature and character of future generations in those countries.
The vaccine was cultured in the human body that we do not even know the nature and origins. We know that a vaccine derived from the blood of patients whose disease has succeeded in fighting the disease. That means the vaccine contained the DNA of the host from where the virus is cultured.
Have you thought about this stranger when DNA is mixed with a baby who is still in a state of purity?
DNA is the blueprint or a summary containing the genetic ancestors we inherit our will. Including the nature, character, and history of the disease.
Then what would happen if the DNA of people who we do not know the origin and character when mixed with a baby who is still sacred? Surely the baby will inherit the host's genetic DNA vaccine.
Have you ever thought if the host's vaccine were selected from people who are outcast, criminals, murderers, rapists, alcoholics, and so forth?
From many sources I've heard so far, research on the virus made to the prisoners to save on research costs, or even maybe it was intentional?
Hazardous chemical substances in the vaccine.
Vaccines contain dangerous substances are required to prevent infections and improve the performance of the vaccine. Such as mercury, formaldehyde, and aluminum, which can bring long-term effects such as mental retardation, autism, hyperactivity. Alzheimer's, infertility, etc.. In the last 10 years, the number of children with autism increased from between 200-500% in every state in America.
Pig in the vaccine.
The use of amino acids pigs in the vaccine is not new news. Even many Muslims and Jews who oppose it because pork is forbidden, as set out in the following Qur'anic verse:
"Forbidden to you (take) carrion, blood, pork (meat animals) are slaughtered in the name of other than Allah, the strangled, battered, falling, that headlong, and attacked by wild animals, except that you could kill it, and (forbidden for you) are slaughtered for idols. And (also forbidden) gambled the fate of the arrows, (gambled with the fate of the arrow) is wickedness. This day the disbelievers have despaired to (beat) your religion, so do not fear them and fear Me. This day has been fashioned for you your religion, and I'd had a My blessing to you both ends meet, and I'd had a ridhai Islam be the religion for you. So whosoever is forced by hunger accidentally sinning, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. "
Quran surah Al-Maidah (5), paragraph 3
Even in the Old Testament (Torah) is also mentioned:
"Do not eat pork. Animals are haram because although the split nails, he does not chew cud. The flesh should not be eaten and carcasses were not be touched because the animals are haram. "
Leviticus 11: 7-8
Then why did God forbid Pig?
1. Amino acids that are only slightly different human beings from pigs.
Amino acids are one of the constituent proteins in living things. If we look at the human insulin and pork, then it will only be closed to within one rather than pork. Here's his explanation:
Human insulin: C256H381N65O76S6 MW = 5807.7Porcine insulin: C257H383N65O77S6 MW = 5777.6Explanation: just a different amino acid
Human insulin: C256H381N65O76S6 MW = 5807.7Bovine insulin: C254H377N65O75S6 MW = 5733.6Explanation: there are three different amino acids
The vaccine manufacturer said that if the use of amino acids pigs, then they do not require much more research process because it is only closed to within one amino acid. Unlike the cow which closed to within three amino acids.
"In chemisty, human and pig DNA from it only 3 percent. Transgenetika technology applications to make pig organs making up the body will be more similar to humans. "~ Dr. Muladno, a molecular geneticist at the Faculty of Animal Husbandry ITB
But unfortunately they forgot if its amino acid nearly identical mean we might as well eat the flesh (cannibals), and it is clear that the cannibals can cause genetic diseases that can not be cured, including neurological diseases and others.
In China, there is a village that likes to eat human flesh who came to his village, which is then used for a celebration. They say that the taste of human flesh taste like pork.
2. Properties that may adversely pigs to humans who eat them down.
A Muslim Imam with his friends Westerners never melakuak test the three pigs and three chickens, each is 2 males and 1 female. And the result is:
When two chickens and a hen male is removed, then the two roosters fight until one is dead / lost to merebutkan females. But what happens when the two pigs a male and a female pig tail off? turns out that one boar helps the other to carry on the female's sexual intent.
And the priest said, "Here! Pork was killed 'ghirah' (envy) people who eat it and this happens to you people. "
Several studies in the west are also many who claim that eating pork may affect the character, the risk of infidelity, and sexual passion that exceeds the threshold of reasonableness as a human being.
3. Pig's body can convert benign to malignant virus.
Pigs have a variety of receptors in the body that can make a benign virus that enters the pig's body and then out in the malignant state, including receptors that are very well known scientists are 2.6 sialic acid receptor alpha to bind to human influenza and 2.3 sialic acid for binding avian influenza virus. These viruses that bound to the receptor can then be transformed into malignant. Besides the receptors can also bind to two types of viruses that have different properties, for later in the mixing becomes a vicious virus that has 2 properties.
4. The amount of disease in the body of Pigs
We have known since elementary school before that pork contains tapeworms which is very dangerous. Tapeworms can even disrupt the nervous system and can go up to the human brain. Besides tapeworms are still many other diseases caused by the pig through the bacteria, because of habit who like to eat dirt, and even his own feces.
5. Strange properties of other pigs.
"Pigs have the dual nature of the beast and tame animals. Its like a beast is because he fanged and likes to eat carrion, while the nature of the beast that resembles a tame was because he berceracak and eat grass and other foliage.
Pigs have a very strong lust, until by the time she married (Sunday), male perched on top of females who walk for miles. Males chase females until a fight broke out so rough that might be killing one or killing both.
Once pregnant, sows give birth to twenty pups. Males start mating when it is aged 8 months, while the females begin to give birth when it had reached the age of 6 months. In some countries, pig breeding at the age of 4 months, females begin to marry and be pregnant after giving birth once pregnant for six or seven months. Sows that have reached the age of 15 years can not give birth. This is the type of animal that has the most offspring. Boar is a male animal of the most durable perched on top of females (mating).
Surprisingly, if one eye gouged out he soon died. Pigs have in common with humans, the skin can not be exfoliated unless the first cut of meat that is under them. "
~ Kamal al-Din Muhammad ibn Musa al-Damiri, in Kitaab al-Kubra-Hayawan
Disasters caused by vaccines that were never published.
* In the United States in the year 1991 - 1994 as many as 38,787 health problems reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) FDA. Of this amount 45% occurred on the day of vaccination, 20% the next day and 93% within 2 mgg after vaccination. Death usually occurs among children aged 1-3 months.* In 1986 there are 1300 cases of pertussis in Kansas and 90% of patients were children who had been vaccinated before. Similar failure occurred in Nova Scotia where pertussis has emerged despite universal vaccination has been carried out.* Germany require vaccination in 1939. The number of diphtheria cases rose to 150,000 cases, where in the same year, Norway is not vaccinated, dipterinya case only as many as 50 cases.* Transmission of polio in large scale, attacking children in northern Nigeria Muslim population. It happened after being given polio vaccination, the U.S. contribution to the Muslim population. Some local Islamic leaders accused the Federal Government of Nigeria to be part of the implementation of U.S. plans to spend the Muslims using the vaccine.* In 1989-1991 measles vaccine "high titre" made in Yugoslavia Edmonton-Zagreb tested on 1500 children of poor black people and Latin descent, in the city of Los Angeles, Mexico, Haiti and Africa. The vaccine is recommended by WHO. The program was stopped after the found many children die in large numbers.* Measles vaccine causes the suppression of the immune system of children in a long time for 6 months to 3 years. As a result, children who were given the vaccine decreased immunity and died in large numbers from other diseases WHO then pull these vaccines from the market in 1992.* Each of the WHO vaccine program carried on in Africa and other third-world country, almost always there is a dangerous disease outbreak at the site made vaccine program. HIV virus that causes Aids in the program introduced by WHO through the homosexual community via hepatitis vaccine and into Central Africa via smallpox vaccine.* December 2002, U.S. Health Secretary, Tommy G. Thompson stated, do not plan to give an injection of smallpox vaccine. He also recommends to other cabinet members not to ask pelaksaanaan vaccine. Ever since mass vaccination applied to the millions of babies, many reported a variety of serious disorders of the brain, heart, metabolic system, and other disorders began to fill the pages of medical journals.* In fact the vaccine to the fetus have been used to include encephalomyelitis, with indications of brain swelling and bleeding inside. Bart Classen, a Maryland physician, published data showing that the rate of diabetes disease progressed significantly in New Zealand, after hepatitis B vaccine is given to mass among children.* Reported that, meningococcal vaccine is a "time bomb for the health of vaccine recipients."* Children in the United States get the vaccine is potentially harmful and can cause permanent damage. A variety of immunization for example, vaccines such as Hepatitis B, DPT, Polio, MMR, Varicela (Chickenpox) proved to have killed many American children themselves, they suffer from nervous disorders, children with disabilities, diabetes, autism, autoimmune and others.* The smallpox vaccine is believed able to immunize people against smallpox. At the time the vaccine was launched, the actual case of smallpox has been on the decline. Japan requires the injection of the vaccine in 1872. In 1892, there were 165,774 cases of smallpox with 29,979 deaths despite the existence ended with the vaccine program.* Forcing the smallpox vaccine, where people who refuse to be sued by law, made in England in 1867. In 4 years, 97.5 & society ages 2 to 50 years had been vaccinated. A year later the British felt the worst smallpox epidemic in history with 44,840 deaths. Between 1871 - 1880 cases of measles rose from 28 to 46 per 100,000 people. Smallpox vaccine does not work.* And much more.
Why the vaccine failed to protect against disease?
Walene James, author of Immunization: the Reality Behind The Myth, says a full inflammatory response is needed to create real immunity.
Before the introduction of smallpox vaccine and the mumps, measles and mumps cases are inflicted on children is not dangerous case. Vaccines "fool" the body so the body does not produce inflammatory response against the virus that is injected.
SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) increased from 12:55 per 1000 people in 1953 to 12.8 per 1000 in 1992 in Olmstead County, Minnesota. The peak incidence of SIDS is age 2-4 months, the time at which the vaccine began to be given to infants. Of 85% of cases of SIDS occur in the first 6 months of a baby. The percentage of SIDS cases has risen from 2.5 per 1000 to 17.9 per 1000 from 1953 to 1992. Raise SIDS deaths increased at almost all the diseases children declined due to improved sanitation and medical progress except SIDS.
Cases of SIDS deaths increased as the number of vaccines given to children under five rose convincingly to 36 per child.
Dr. W. Torch have documented 12 cases of death in children happens in 3.5 to 19 hours post-DPT. He later also reported 11 cases of SIDS death and one who nearly died 24 hours after injection of DPT. When he studied 70 cases of SIDS deaths, two thirds of victims are those who are newly vaccinated ranging from 1.5 days to 3 weeks earlier.
No one death was associated with the vaccine. The vaccine is considered a noble thing and there is no any negative news about them in the mainstream media because they are so profitable for pharmaceutical companies.
There are valid reasons to believe that vaccines are not only useless in preventing disease, but also counterproductive because they injure the immune system that increases the risk of cancer, immune diseases and SIDS to cause disability and death.
So is there any immunizations that right according to Islam?
There! Even the Prophet himself who taught and recommended it.
Imam Bukhari in his Saheeh to takhrij hadith of Asma 'bint Abi Bakr
Of Asma 'bint Abu Bakr that she was pregnant when Abdullah ibn Zubayr in Mecca said, "I came out and I'm perfectly hamilku 9 months, and then I came to the medina, I fell in Quba' and I gave birth there, then I went to the Prophet sal-Allaahu alaihi wasalam, then he sal-Allaahu alaihi wasalam Abdullah ibn az-Zubayr put up in his room, then he sal-Allaahu alaihi wasalam requested dates and chewed it, then he sal-Allaahu alaihi wasalam enter the dates that have been pulverized into my mouth Abdullah ibn Zubair. And it is food that is first entered into the mouth through the Prophet sal-Allaahu alaihi wasalam, then he tahnik to him, then he sal-Allaahu alaihi wasalam was mendo'akannya and prayed for blessings on him.
In shahihain-Bukhari and Muslim from Abu Musa Al-Asy'ariy, "My son was born, then I took and went to the Prophet sal-Allaahu alaihi wasalam, sal-Allaahu alaihi wasalam then he gave the name of Abraham and then to tahnik it with dates." Imam Bukhari narrated there are additional: "then he SAW memdoakan goodness and blessings pray for him, then handed back to me."
Tahnik a grandfather to his grandson who recently born
My mother once said that the baby was born in a state of glucose deficiency. Even if his body turn yellow, then the baby is certainly require glucose in a state sufficient for him. Weight at birth also affects the content of glucose in the body.
In the case of premature infants who weighed less than 2.5 kg, the sugar content of the substance is very low, which in some cases even less than 20 mg/100 ml of blood. As a child born with a weight above 2.5 kg of the blood sugar levels are usually above 30 mg/100 ml.
Such levels of mean (20 or 30 mg/100 ml of blood) is a state of danger in the size of blood sugar levels.
This can cause various diseases, such as a baby refuses to breastfeed, the baby relaxes muscles, impaired respiratory activity and the baby's skin becomes bluish, contraction or spasm.
Sometimes it can also cause a number of dangerous diseases and old, such as insomnia, weak brain, nervous disorders, impaired hearing, sight, or both.
When these things above are not immediately controlled or untreated it can cause death. Though a cure for it is very easy, which gives the sugars in the form of glucose intravenously, either through the mouth, and blood vessels.
The majority or even all babies need the sugars in the form of glucose immediately after birth, then give dates that have been crushed to keep the baby from lack of sugar content many times over.
Disunnahkannya tahnik to babies as well as preventive measures is a drug that has an important function, and this is the miracle of Muhammad's prophethood is medically where the history of humanity never knew it before, even now people know the danger of deficiency in the baby's blood glucose levels.
Tahnik should be done by people who believe in Allah, or can also be the father or mother of the baby.
Immunization which has been heralded by the Zionists can impact the very serious problems for the life of the world's population. Those who aim to make the other races under their control in various ways. It is enough my younger brother who became victims of this conspiracy immunization. Now is the time we open our eyes and ask our conscience with a variety of propaganda they are doing.
Even God has told us to be careful terdadap news from them:
"O ye who believe, when it comes unto the wicked brings a message, then check carefully that you do not inflict a disaster to a people without knowing the circumstances that cause you sorry for what you did that."
Qur'an sura Al-Hujuraat (49): 6
There are still many sources that have not I lay out here. Including how the technology knowledge of Islam reveals how the devil can make people become evil through unclean food that we eat. God willing, next time I can explain it.
May God bless and protect us all. Tri.M
Thanks for reading:Danger Immunization & Jewish Conspiracy


Jungsauenvermehrung said...

It seems to be informative post. Immunization should be properly done else it may cause danger. Thanks for the share.

Anonymous said...

Words can't even describe how stupid this is, I just can't. Honestly, why would you believe this. This is one of the few things in thw world that actually make me mad.