
Men Doing Household Affairs? Why Not!

Women are still women, she is a wife to her husband and a mother to her children. Although high-outside the home office, after she got home she still must take care of her family.
At home, women today were certainly better than the first. When once the men are reluctant to do homework, because it considered women's work, now the men lighter hand, and considers himself had to help with the housework to ease the task of the wife.But, it does not happen in all countries, many countries in the world still hold to the principle that homework is the duty of the wife. Though sharing tasks and mutual help will make a more perfect family.
Marriage is a relationship or partnership, in which cooperation occurs between the two sides of the husband and wife. This could be analogous to a game in which cooperation (teamwork) is important because if one refuses to cooperate, then the performance will fail. The same applies to marriage, should be able to work together, and commitment in which both parties must get involved. Domestic work is part of a family activity and very important for husbands and wives to discuss how to handle them.
In ancient times, when the husband is supposed to be the breadwinner, and his wife stayed home to take care of household chores and children. Husband then brought its equipment and went out to earn a living and then come home to enjoy the comforts of home, wives are all prepared from food, clothes to wash. Men are treated like kings by women at home. But times have changed. Wives need to make a living as well to help her husband pay for the family.
Experiencing DepressionWomen are now equal with men in all aspects of life. Women can now sit in the executive chair, some even became pilots, drivers, engineers and others. Women work as hard as men because of the necessities of life are increasingly hard to be fulfilled.
If husband and wife work full time, chances are they'd be happier if they share household chores and caring for children. That the results of a study by researchers at the University of Illinois at Champaign - Urbana. The study was conducted on 680 couples in America, who say that depression is the most commonly occur in marriage when the wife have to work to meet domestic needs and still have to bear the burden of care homes and children without getting much help from her partner.
The study also found that higher salaries more women more likely for him to reach out to help with household work. However, when the salary exceeds her husband, the husband usually less able to help with the housework daily.
But not just because of salary issues that cause her husband was reluctant to help doing the housework, but also because the patriarchal culture that embraced a country such as Indonesia and in several other Asian countries such as Japan, China, Taiwan and Malaysia, where the men are still reluctant to help with homework. Because many men still think women are destined to perform domestic work, such as washing, sweeping, and keep the child even though the wife helps her husband make a living.
The husband was not a lazy person, but could be on their minds already attached to the image that home affairs was the women's affairs. This is often caused by the culture and habits in their families who make their husbands think so. In fact, there may be concerns of the husbands that with homework, dignity and pride will be reduced in the eyes of his wife.
Australian Men's husband in the World WorstIn the developed countries are more egalitarian also appeared to find a husband who hates housework, as claimed by Dr Almudena Sevilla-Sanz, an economist from Oxford University, who conducted a study of 12 developed countries. He mentioned that Australian men are the worst husband in the world because they hate to help his wife with housework. He also found that women prefer to marry a man from the Scandinavian countries, the United States or Britain rather than Australia. Men and women from 12 countries are equally preferred to live together as husband and wife if they believe their partner will help with the housework and care for children.
But it seems that when it comes time to find a husband who is willing to help with the housework from 12 countries under study, Australian women have a difficult time. Dr. Sevilla Sanz pointed to Australia is at the lowest rank in an egalitarian society, which makes Australian men into marriage partner who is not attractive because they do not like to do housework.
Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom, the United States and Northern Ireland is considered to be the most egalitarian country, which makes the men they are most attractive marriage partner. Next is the Netherlands, Ireland, Spain, New Zealand, Japan, Germany, Austria and Australia in last place.
"In countries egalitarian in principle, you might expect to see more women choose to remain alone rather than face the prospect of spending more time doing housework," said Dr. Sevilla-Sanz.
However, this study shows that in egalitarian countries there is little social stigma attached to men to do work traditionally done what the woman. This led men in an egalitarian society take a more domestic role so that the possibility of forming a harmonious household become larger, creating a higher proportion of couples to build a home in 12 developed countries surveyed this.
Thanks for reading:Men Doing Household Affairs? Why Not!

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