
Secrets Behind DNA

The term DNA tests often we hear through the mass media. Whether it's through the film, news-related crime or the victim's identification of infotainment that fuss about who the biological father of a child behind the artist. So, what is DNA and the mystery of what is stored in it?
Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid (DNA) or ribo nucleic acid dioksi is the material contained in the nucleus of every living cell. The series of DNA called chromosomes. If we look at physical characteristics of human beings, unimaginable how much and complexity of their DNA structure. How not, everyone is different physique from head to toe. There are straight hair, curly, sharp nose, black, to white. In addition, DNA also carries information about the nature and talent. For example the father has the gene and then bequeathed to his son the art.
Interestingly, the notion of complex DNA structures it is not proven. Francis Crick, one of the inventors say the molecular structure of DNA, the DNA structure of living things is very simple. Basis for the DNA code that there are four namely A (adenine), T (thymine), C (cytosine) and G (guanine). Each combination of DNA bases that form the amino acid sequence which is the protein-making materials, such as ATG, GAA. Each representing a particular amino acid type.
So great was the chance formation of amino acids were the experts can only find 20 combinations of amino acids that form proteins all creatures on earth. Magic is not it?
According to the Chairman of the Biology Department of Medicine Faculty of Medicine Dr. Dwi Anita Suryandari, M. BioMed, basically the same human-forming substance. Form of protein but different levels. Protein insulin, for example. You've heard of diabetes? Well, this disease arises due to the corresponding protein deficiency of insulin. "The difference of these genes, called genetic variation inherited from the father and mother," said the doctor who was familiarly called Anita.
Then, what information can we know from the code of the DNA chain? The answer was unexpected. All the genetic information stored in DNA. Through the code of the DNA chain, one's physical characteristics can be known. Not only that, each DNA chain codes to control thousands of different systems and processes in the human body cells.

DNA Tests
Forensic specialist Dr. W. Wibisana SPF (K) said that, generally aimed at identifying the DNA tests. It required the comparison. Suppose you want to know the DNA is then you should compare your blood with a parent or child. "DNA testing is very useful to know the identity of a person as in the case of yesterday's bombing," said Wibisana.
DNA is the smallest part of the cell. Not only human beings have cells but also viruses and bacteria. Thus, DNA testing can also be used to identify the disease. "Well, if DNA tests proved it was beneficial. Depending on what and who wants to use it, "said the lecturer's faculty of medicine forensic medicine.
There are two laboratories that serve the Laboratory of DNA tests Pusdokkes East Jakarta Police and the Eijkman Institute for Molecular Bio Central Jakarta. To perform a DNA test, you need to spend no less. DNA tests per package at the Eijkman Institute, for example, reached Rp 7, 5 million.

Research around the DNA
Currently, research on DNA to produce recommendations for reducing the risk of disease, for example, that the disease is not easily spread. In fact, in the future, by simply knowing the DNA code, we can anticipate that the disease no longer need to seek treatment. "The world of medicine is very helpful if the research on this gene has been proven. That way we can know what is lacking from one's genes and then give him the proper dose, "added the woman was born 6 September 1968.
For example, some babies are known to lack the protein insulin in the genes. Furthermore, doctors should add artificial insulin protein genes into the body of the baby. So one day she could no longer rely on insulin injections. This is called gene therapy. Namely, take the insulin gene is defective and replace it with a normal.
However, certain costs required for it is very expensive. Because this method is associated with formation of the smallest human being, of course, takes research and an extraordinarily sophisticated equipment. In addition, Anita adds, should also be seen how necessary it is to deliver genes into the body, is there any side effects and how to cope. If research is successful, it is clear there will be tremendous advances in medicine.
Just imagine, every human being has 23 pairs of chromosomes. One pair of them are sex chromosomes (genosom) which indicates a person's gender, ie, XY for men and XX for women. The rest, 22 pairs of chromosomes (autosomes), the investigational any information contained in the chromosomes. Later, it was likely to know what chromosome is problematic to someone and then be treated according to the type chromosomes.
As a result of DNA abnormalities
DNA abnormality can cause disease, including Down Syndrome (DS) and autoimmune diseases.
People with DS in Indonesia, some 300,000 cases are 15% of the total DS worldwide sufferers. The cause of DS is the number of chromosome 21 is not a pair, but the excess, where the X chromosome of his three and one Y chromosome (XXX + Y), whereas normally XX + XY. These chromosomes are formed due to the failure of cleavage, so that the chromosomes should separate from one another, not the case. This disorder affects the physical growth and mental retardation in children.
People with DS have a characteristic form of the head shape is relatively small compared to normal children (microchephaly) with the anteroposterior horizontal head. On the face, usually appear between the flat nose, mouth and tongue to shrink the protruding (macroglossia). Often, the eyes become slanted at an angle of the center to form folds (epicanthal folds). Clinical signs in other body parts in the form of a short-hand including fingers and the segment distance between the first and second fingers, both hands and feet, wide.
Complaints are usually enjoyed by parents in children with DS is the physical and mental developmental delay. With an IQ between 50-70, it's normal physical development, such as the ability to walk and talk, children with DS is slower than normal children. However, the exercises are done as early as possible, can accelerate the progress of growth and development. So they are trained and educated to be an independent man like a normal child. In fact, this exercise can raise the IQ of children with DS to 90.
What causes a child has excess number of chromosomes? No studies that can reveal this. However, the risk of having a baby DS is higher in women who are pregnant at the age of 35 years. Why is that? In the body of a woman, each month is a process of maturation of an egg cell. By the time women become older, the condition of the egg can sometimes be less well and on time fertilized sperm, germ cell division is experiencing a less than perfect.
Other diseases caused by abnormalities of DNA is an autoimmune disease. This disease according to Dr. Dr. Iris Rengganis, SpPD, K-AI, a lecturer of the department of internal medicine faculty of medicine / RSCM, arise due to excessive formation of antibodies that attack the body. Antibodies are supposed to protect even invade the body. This is because the body is considered as an enemy. As a result, body tissue is damaged. There are many autoimmune diseases but the most well known and many suffered in Indonesia is lupus.

         Aini Firdaus / interview: Firda Kurnia
Thanks for reading:Secrets Behind DNA

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