
Say OK to Breakfast

Breakfast makes fat? Some say that could even accelerate the brain? So which is it? Actually, what the importance of breakfast?

Many people underestimate the breakfast or breakfast. The reason, fear of drowsiness at the time of work. Or are not accustomed to breakfast. Even a mother reasoned, "Children are more active-active. Given a breakfast they'll lose time to play, do not eat the old. "Yet according to Ahmad Faridi, SP, Head of Nutrition Studies Programme Faculty of Health Sciences University of Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka, breakfast very good and important for the body. At night, when the body breaks, it turns out all the organs of the body's metabolism to keep working. Until when morning came, the stomach is empty and needs a refill.Imagine a car with a gasoline that is restricted or even empty. Certainly not going smoothly when used. So also our bodies. Breakfast is like gasoline to 'fuel' for the move. Without it we would be weakness, drowsiness, poor concentration and performance of the body down.
Diet with breakfast?Faridi express breakfast is useful for short-term and long term. Breakfast, said Ahmad Faridi, launched the metabolism, increase levels of glucose in the blood and brain, increasing the concentration of study, work productivity, thinking skills and physical abilities. "Breakfast is also making a person more healthy because hemoglobin levels are available in sufficient amounts in the blood," said the man who is familiarly called this Faridi.How to make fat breakfast myth? Faridi illustrates the theory of "revenge". Adult women need about 2000 calories per day. If divided by three, that is for breakfast, lunch and dinner, the portions to 650 calories per meal. If it is not breakfast, then people will try to fulfill it in the daytime. "Well this is the actual cause of revenge. Because the lunch portion is too much, he was potentially sleepy. And, the activity after a meal, such as watching TV, instead it can make fat, "said the father of two children.Still according to Faridi, do not eat a diet that is not at all like the notion of many people. But reduced levels of calories, from 2000 to 1500. It should also be calculated and adjusted to your height and weight. If not careful obsession with skinny body even carry disease. Nutritionists and doctors are two people who have encountered when someone decides to diet. Nutritionists can measure how many calories you should consume, while the doctor to see the possibility of disease pascadiet. Well, regular breakfast diet program to help someone succeed.So what if our time is quite narrow in the morning so no time for breakfast? Faridi provide solutions, breakfast with bread and milk was insufficient, not necessarily a complete meal consisting of rice, vegetables, meat, fruit and milk.Another strategy is to set the time for breakfast. The best time for breakfast is at six o'clock in the morning, because our body metabolism is complete approximately five o'clock in the morning. With a set schedule, breakfast is certainly not impossible to do.
Food for the brainOne of the main functions of the breakfast is to give food to the brain. Faridi has proven when examined 100 primary school students in East Jakarta in 2000. He examined the linkages breakfast and concentration of student learning. The result, children who regularly had breakfast a higher concentration levels than those who do not.Why is that? Because the brain requires a continuous supply of glucose. When the lack of glucose, the brain will suffer a setback. That is why breakfast helps the body which has 100 million nerve cells become more intelligent, sensitive and easier to concentrate when studying and working.Glucose is widely available in carbohydrates. Nutritionists agree that good carbs are complex carbohydrates like those found in rice, bread, noodles, pasta and bulbous plants such as potatoes, cassava, and yam. However Faridi more advised to eat rice for breakfast. "Rice could last 3-4 hours in the stomach while the bread is usually two hours," added the man who is active in the NGO Aisyiyah it.
Snacks, light but importantAka snacks snacks between breakfast and lunch-noon-night was very important for the body. Function is to increase energy snack before the big meal. This is especially useful for those who have lots of activities including children. "This applies to all healthy people. If people have a legal ulcer disease become fard ayn, because the stomach can not be empty, "quipped a graduate of IPB.Especially for children, mothers should prepare snacks from home. This is to prevent their indiscriminate eating snacks that are not guaranteed cleanliness and safety. Fuss, children are often jealous of his pocket. Well, to get around it, the mother should be more creative to prepare an interesting variation but healthy snack.If at breakfast was a heavy portion, then a snack that can be given is a light such as nuts or fruit. However, if a little breakfast, not why it granted a snack such as bread.The best snacks are fruits and vegetables. The reason, the fruit have few calories so it does not matter if consumed in large quantities, even outside of the snack, as long as not excessive. Eating fruit as a snack is the advice of many nutritionists as the fruit helps the body's metabolism as facilitate defecation. In addition to fruit, milk and gelatin can also be a snack.

                                                                                                  Firda Kurnia / Aini Paradise Interview: Firda Kurnia
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